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Welcome to the superficial world of dating apps

dating apps

We live in a world of instant gratification. Whether it’s instant coffee or instant noodles, we want it and want it right now. So, why should love be left behind? Well, dating apps such as Tinder, OkCupid, TrulyMadly, Woo and various others are here precisely for the same reason.

Almost all these dating apps operate on the same mechanism — they let you swipe right the person you like and swipe left the person you don’t. Your profile generally consists of your name, age, education, occupation and the pages you’ve liked on Facebook, so that your prospective match can see if you share any common interests. But above all, it is dominated by the photos you opt to share! Hence, needless to say, they work on the basis of mutual physical attraction.

This highlights the fundamental weakness of these apps that let a user select an option purely on the basis of perceived external physical beauty/appearance. In a marketplace, people buy things that look attractive on the outside even if they have no utility. Even while buying cars many people will look at the external design and the smooth metallic paint rather than checking reliability of engine, gearbox or safety. However, over the course of time they realize the repercussions of choosing something on the basis of just the physical appearance. According to studies, online daters mostly express disappointment when they meet their date in person.

Sahil Thaker, author of ‘Dating & Marriage Diaries in Urban India’ says, “The fact that people swipe someone right on the basis of their looks, alone makes it shallow and superficial. In fact, there is not much significance of any other criteria such as a person’s intelligence, character, family background or any other good qualities such as honesty, a caring nature or attitude. Even photos can be made to look more attractive than they really are, either by using makeup or using various photo editing tools. Some people have a naturally photogenic face due to which they look much better in photos than in real life and vice versa. Hence, photos are an inaccurate judgment of someone’s personality.” In a similar way, people tend to brag about their hobbies, interests, income and lie about their age, height and marital status in their online dating profiles, so where is the authenticity in this virtual world?

According to communication experts, only 7 per cent of our communication is based on the verbal or written word, while the remaining depends on our non verbal body language. So, when you depend solely on the written communication through these dating apps, your supposed impressions of people can be misleading to a great extent. Moreover, these apps make you lose your confidence of meeting people in the real world and you tend to hide behind your screens all the more!

Relationship expert Jai Madaan opines, “Online dating sites make it easy for scammers to create false profiles with fake information and photos. They may even spend weeks trying to gain your trust and disappear after you send them money. Thus, leaving a person completely devastated, who may never try to find love online again.” This even necessitates the need for regulating dating apps, a step mandatory for preventing cyber crime, but is far away from being discussed.

Dating apps also allow people the multiplicity of options, thus never letting them settle on one person as there are various other options available in the virtual market. This makes people run away from commitment. When there is a surplus of women or men available for dating, people tend to shift towards short-term dating as they want to explore all their options. This also makes marriages unstable.

Although, there are some people who claim to have found love through such dating apps, that is a minuscule number. And since it’s a recent phenomenon, it becomes all the more difficult to say that how long such marriages will last.

Sahil Thaker deals with an important question here, “So, can you really find ‘true love’ on apps such as Tinder?” He says, “It’s like asking whether or not I can become a famous cricketer or Bollywood star? Answer is theoretically ‘yes’ but then what are the probabilities?”

Category: Lifestyle


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