Actor Sidharth Malhotra is leaving no stone unturned for his next project and will train in martial arts for the same. The 31-year-old actor had earlier took a training in martial arts for Brothers. Sidharth has been roped-in by Fox Star Studios to star in their next venture, an action film. Gossip mills are abuzz that it is a sequel to Bang Bang. ”We are doing an action film. It will be called something else. It is not related to the first part (‘Bang Bang’),” Sidharth told a news portal.
The movie will have some high octane action. ”There will be lot of action sequences in the film. I will start training in martial arts. It (training) is different from what I did during ‘Brothers’,” he added.
According to him, the shooting for the film will begin in a few months. Besides this movie, filmmaker Karan Johar has expressed his desire to make a sequel to Student of the Year that marked debut Sidharth’s Bollywood debut. ”I don’t know about it yet. We might do it…we may not,” the Ek Villian actor said.