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Contact Details:
Shankar Holiday Tours Pvt. Ltd Pathankot
Neena Complex, Sujanpur, Punjab 145023
085588 77826
About Tour & Travels:
Travel and Tour is a rapidly growing industry and so we, Shankar Holiday Tours, laid our foundation stone in this sector. We are known as an eminent Service Provider that provides Domestic Holiday Packages to hill stations like Manali, Himachal as well as International Holiday Packages. The idea behind this is to help travelers or tourists find suitable location for their holiday. The packages have the details of the famous tourist’s spots that need to be visited thus, the tourist does not have to go through much confusion while travelling a trip. The charges of the packages depend on the number of the days stayed, accommodation (3 star, 5 star hotels, cottages), food, mode of travelling, etc. According to customers budget the packages can be tailored. So, those who are looking to go for a fun trip under a minimum budget, visit us soon.
Location Map and Directions:
Service very fast.. Best Prices….
its service is good and staff is educated with polite behaviour
I want to go Delhi in few days .Please told me price of Package