With increasing number of art exhibitions in the city, purchasing a piece of work is easy. However, if you are a first timer, you may not know what to buy.
Here’s a quick guide…
When decorating your home, a work of art adorning the walls add a classic touch. Art is believed to promote a sense of well-being and also add to the decor of your house. However, if you are a newbie and do not know much about purchasing a piece of artwork, here are a few simple tricks that can help you in making a wise choice… visit a few exhibitions in the city
To start with, make a trip to some of the art exhibitions to gather knowledge about the kind of works that are in vogue now and decide what format you’d like to have in your house. At the do, meet and greet people who belong to the art circuit. They may be able to help you out in gauging the trends and also make a few suggestions. This will help you choose a better piece of work for your home.
Talk to a few artists to understand art better If you have no clue about what kind of artwork you can do up your pad with, then talk to a few artists as well. You can give them an idea of the available space in your home, the decor theme and the kind of background you have in mind. go with what soothes your eyes
The best way to pick a work of art is by choosing one that appeals to you the most. It can be a plain scenery or an abstract painting or both! When you pick something that you like, chances of it going wrong are very less as you will be completely involved in the process. ask for opinions
If you are visiting an art gallery, it is always best to take someone along with you, preferably someone who has an idea about art. This will help you narrow down your search better and choose one that will make your home look wonderful, go for brighter works
If you are planning to do up your bedroom or your living area with a painting, always try and choose something that is bright such that it adds colour to the overall decor. It also spreads positive energy and will add an optimistic and happy vibe to the entire space.