Government Schemes for Agriculture

Contribution of agriculture in thriving of the nation cannot be repudiated. It has played a great role in lifting the economy up to meet the culmination. Agriculture has added up efforts in reducing the number of unemployed and glared the rural region to a great extent. It has been a fount of startup for many strugglers and great entrepreneurs. Agriculture in itself has played a great role in giving a creditable boost to Indian economy.

The economic planning of 1950-1951 has changed the aspect of agriculture and its role completely giving positive results. All the agro based industries are fully dependent upon agriculture for raw materials; this is the reason that agriculture has its influence upon industrial sector too. Here is the list of recent agriculture schemes and steps initiated by the government for promoting agriculture with a perspective to raise economy.

Livestock insurance scheme

With an aim to promote animal husbandry, government of India is staying no behind for the protection of farmers. This scheme has been initiated for the protection of the farmers from exploitation due to rising inflation. This step focuses on providing life insurance to the animals that are being reared through animal husbandry. Government will grant 75% amount to the owner if the animal has been insured. Insurance process starts with the deposition of 25% animal amount. This insurance has a life span of 3 years made to support farmers to great extent.

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY)

Dependency of Indian farmer on the rainfall is prominent from decades. Though India has managed to cover almost 65 million hectare area under irrigation still 76 million hectare is left. This area remains less productive low yielding due its wait for the rain whose extent or arrival is uncertain. The focus of this scheme is on the individuals to help them coming out of this problem.
The objective of this Yojana is to provide end to end solution by focusing on the phrase ‘har khet ko pani’. It aims on the promotion micro irrigation for the saving of water under more crops per drop. This scheme ensures water management with proper step and latest technology. The component share of north eastern plus hilly states and centre is 90-10 on the hand other states and centre is 75-25.

Gramin bhandaran Yojana

Also known as rural godown scheme, Gramin bhandaran Yojana aims to provide assistance to those who want to build or renovate storage units in rural areas. This scheme is for every individual, farmer, company and association. The Yojana facilitates the making of non-urban godown for scientific storage of rural grains. The Yojana is available for the godowns with minimum 50 ton capacity. A subsidy of 25% is given to the male farmers and 33.33% is for the women with land and godown as a security under mortgage.

Paramparagat Krishi vikas Yojana (PKVY)

Chemical free, organic cultivation is highly preferable for its harmonious balance with the nature. It further enhances the quality of the soil along with facilitating high productivity. This scheme was initiated to limit down the use of fertilizers and chemicals. According to this scheme, a clan of 50 or more farmers will be given Rs. 20,000 per acre in three years. Government target is of 5 million hectare area with land area covered per clan 50 acres or more.

Pradhan Mantri fasal bima Yojana (PMFBY)

Pradhan Mantri fasal bima Yojana has managed to slash down all the previous limitations. It has come forward as an island to a lost sailor. Built with best features, Pradhan Mantri fasal bima Yojana aims to provide full insurance with very low premium rates such as 1.5% for Rabi, 2% for kharif and 5% for commercial crops covering all the farmers. The facilitation of technology along with the protection of farmers from negativity is the top most priority of this scheme.

Along with the above schemes the government has also developed a portal named e-NAM created to facilitate the phrase “one nation, one market”. This is an online portal that has listed all the national mandies in it making it easy for the farmers to approach. The portal is developed to take the farmers online and has come forward as a powerful tool in ongoing covid-19 period. This platform is really favorable for online payments and works. One can enroll for this to have a good trustable online experience.

The above steps of government were of high importance for the management of agriculture. These were initiated to curb down the problems being faced by the farmers across the nation to promote high productivity. These steps are vital for boosting up the economy of the nation smoothing down the path of development to reach the peak. Have a look on the above schemes and grab the opportunity to limit down restriction.

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