Exercises to handle neck strain

handle neck strain

One needs to regularly exercise one’s neck muscles to avoid neck strains occurring either due to sitting in front of the computer or television or even sleeping for long periods of time.

However, one should be careful while performing neck exercises because if they’re not done properly, your neck can go from bad to worse. Follow these simple exercises to ease your neck strain:

Exercise 1:
One of the most simple exercises is to slowly move your head up and down in a slow motion. Either sit or stand erect. Look straight and very slowly tilt your neck in order to move your face up and down. Begin by doing just 5-10 repetitions. Gradually increase repetitions.

Exercise 2:
Another exercise is to tilt your neck sideways, alternating between your right and left side. Either sit or stand erect. Look straight and very slowly tilt your neck to your right and then to your left. Begin by doing just 5-10 repetitions. Gradually increase repetitions.

Exercise 3:
Rotating your neck gently in a circle is another good exercise. Either sit or stand erect. Look straight and very slowly rotate your neck, in a clock-wise and anti-clockwise manner. Begin by doing just 5-10 repetitions. Gradually increase repetitions.

Exercise 4:
This is called the neck extension exercise. Place both your palms at the back of your neck, while you look straight. Gently bend your head backwards by lifting your chin. And now, resist this movement by pushing the palms of your hands forward. Maintain this position for 5-10 seconds. Begin by doing five repetitions and gradually increase them.

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