COVID-19 | Coronavirus Disease | Help and information

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus.

Current Status:

(as on 15 Feb 2022)


Confirmed: 24,347
Recovered: 23.685
Active: 176
Death: 486
Today’s report:-
Positive= 19
Discharge= 42
Death= 0


Confirmed: 7,56,130
Recovered: 7,35,574
Active: 2,933
Death: 17,623


Total: 42,723,558
Active: 370,209
Recovered: 41,843,446
Death: 509,903


Total Confirmed Cases: 416,591,687
Active cases: 71,272,999
Recovered: 339,459,123
Death: 5,859,565


The vicious corona virus disease has entered the world with full force and has great contagious power. This is called severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) which typically affects the respiratory tracts of birds and mammals; now, including humans. This is the infectious disease which targets a person’s respiratory organ by usually causing common cold. These viruses generally affect mice, rats, dogs, cats, turkeys, horses, cattle and pigs which reach humans through animal transmission.

This virus was first identified in Wuhan, China and since then it has spread to near about 198 countries around the world causing thousands of deaths.


Corona virus is the most contagious disease found till date. It was first found in a person having links with sea food market of Wuhan which gives a view that this virus was transmitted from an animal to human body. We noticed that its human to human transmission is very easy, just a mere contact with an infected surface can make a person suffer from this if then they touch their eyes, nose or mouth. Hence, it is important to follow the precautionary measures suggested by World Health Organization.


If one notices any of the above mentioned symptoms, they are requested to visit the doctor as soon as possible. Moreover, a complete isolation is required to limit its spreading amongst near and dears.

  • Dry cough
  • Sore throat
  • High body temperature
  • Difficulty in breathing

National Helpline Number: +91-11-23978046 or 1075
Helpline Email ID:

The government is providing full support to public safety and taking all the necessary steps in minimizing its impact on the nation. The active support of public is needed for restricting the corona virus dangerous spread. Empowering the public with right information would be the most important factor.

This virus can infect near about all ages but it is more severe for the people with old age, pre existing medical conditions and children.


As of now there is neither certainty of this virus’s lasting nor any news of a formulated vaccine. One has to follow all the necessary measures to safeguard his or her family from this deadly disease.

  • It is advised to stay home as much as possible and keep in mind the travel advisory set by the ministry of health and welfare.
  • Wash your hands or sanitize after every few minutes, especially while going to bathroom, before eating, coughing, and sneezing.
  • It is important to regularly disinfect the frequently touched surfaces.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Avoid contact with the people who are sick and maintain a 3 feet distance with every person.
  • Always cover your cough and sneeze using a tissue which can be disposed off.
  • Wear mask while going outside along with gloves in hand.



There are a lot of myths that can confuse a person and cause harm to him in one or the other way. Here are a few myths listed below, try to avoid and stay safe.

Only old and young people are at risk.

It is wrong to say as every person is at same risk. However, older adults and people with pre existing medical conditions suffer more severely.

Spraying chlorine or alcohol kills virus.

These can be harmful for the body but can be used disinfecting surfaces.

Consuming disinfectant kills the virus.

This can cause severe tissue burn; it will not remove viruses from the body.

Drinking alcohol reduces the risk of infection.

Alcohol disinfects the skin but it does not work same inside the body. Hence, it’s just a myth.

Flu and pneumonia vaccines can protect against this virus.

As SARS-CoV-2 is a new virus and different than other viruses, no old vaccine is a sword against it.

Corona virus is the deadliest virus known to human.

We have seen viruses such as Ebola that have higher mortality rate.

Rise in temperature can kill virus.

The temperature change will influence the behavior of virus but would not kill it.

5g instigates SARS-CoV-2 spread.

We are noticing that some regions are rolling out 5G mobile technologies which is making people claim that 5G is helping in virus communication. But we are seeing that covid-19 is also impacting in the countries with very little 5G coverage.

Antibiotics kills corona virus.

Only bacteria are killed by antibiotics and it has no effect on corona virus.

Garlic protect against corona virus spread.

It might slow downs the growth of some bacterial species but there is no evidence of garlic protection against corona virus.

You have to be with someone for 10 minutes to catch virus.

The longer a person would be with an infected person the more he is likely to get infected.

Everyone dies who get infected.

This is fatal for a specific category of people but not everyone dies because of it.

Hand dryers kill corona virus.

Washing hands with soap or disinfecting hands with sanitizers kills corona virus but hand dryers do not kill the virus.

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