CBSE 10th Result 2018 Declared

The board’s website, however, usually slows down as a large number of students check the results at the same point adding to their stress. It has partnered with several organisations to ease the process of viewing the results.

Here is direct link to check.

Students can also check CBSE 10th result 2018 on Google and Microsoft’s search engine Bing this year.

“CBSE has partnered with Google for the first time to host the board’s Class 10 and Class 12 results on the search engine,” the board’s spokesperson Rama Sharma told the Hindustan Times recently.

Students will have to search for CBSE Class 10 result on Google and key in the required details to log in.

Results can also be accessed SMS Organizer mobile application, which can be installed from Google Play store
Students can check their scores through the interactive voice response system as well as the SMS facility of the National Informatics Centre. They can call on 24300699 by adding their dial codes for their areas. For example, a student calling from Delhi will have to dial 011-24300699.

The CBSE 10th result 2018 can be received by sending an SMS to 7738299899 in the following format: cbse10

The date of birth format is ddmmyyyy.

Students can also view their results on UMANG mobile application available for Android, iOS and Windows-based smartphones.

The board will also provide Class 10 digital mark sheets in DigiLocker at The DigiLocker account credentials will be sent to students through a text message on their mobile number registered with the board. DigiLocker can be accessed on both Android and iOS platforms.

Schools under the board’s Delhi region can collect their results from the office of the respective zonal office of deputy director of education after they are declared by confirming a time with them.

They will automatically get their results on the email id’s registered with the board.

Neary16,38,420 candidates registered for the Class 10 exam conducted at 4,453 centres across India and 78 centres abroad this year.

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