
Top 10 Schools in Pathankot and nearby areas. List of all Schools, contact details, address, phone numbers. Click here to see all listings, customer care.

List of top CBSE, PSEB, ICSE Board Schools in Pathankot. Day Boarding, Convent, Kids Care, Kindergarten School.

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Schools are basically temples of knowledge and the factory for producing quality and constructive brains capable of carrying their future and careers on their back. Hence, it is very important for a parent to find the best school for their child.

We are here with the information regarding number of schools whether it is day-boarding, boarding or normal school in pathankot along with their details including web address and contact numbers.

An ideal school environment recognizes that student success is a complex goal to achieve. Providing for this success for all students and measuring it must be accomplished with many tools. We will help you in finding the best matched school shining with these tools through our website. We will make you aware of the full addresses and sure contact numbers so that you can clear out your queries.

We respect the belief of a parent and their desire to watch their child reaching the sky that is why we ensure that your child gets the best education by the school you choose from the list of schools in pathankot provided on our website.

We had made the search for schools easy for our citizens, saving their time they can just visit our site and can have a look on the number of schools in pathankot.


MCM DAV Centenary Public School

Name/Business: MCM DAV Centenary Public School Address/Location: Mission Road Pathankot Description: N/A Phone/Mobile: 0186 – 2222764 Email: Website: […]


Modern Sandeepni School

Modern Sandeepni School Contact Information Address Reviews Address: Mamun Chowk, Dalhousie Road, Mamun, Punjab 145001 Phone Number: +91-1862347605 Contact Person:

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