
Doctors in Pathankot and nearby areas. List of all Doctors Names, contact details, address, phone numbers. Click here to see all listings, customer care.

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Dr. Beena Misra

Name/Business: Dr. Beena Misra Address/Location: Dhangu Road Pathankot Description: Consultants Phone/Mobile: 0186-2221561 Email: N/A Website: N/A Facebook: N/A Twitter: N/A […]


Vaid Swaranjit Singh Khokhar

Name/Business: Vaid Swaranjit Singh Khokhar Address/Location: B-XXX, 164, Ramgarhia Street, Opposite J&K Bank, Pathankot Description: Vaid Phone/Mobile: +91-7589348046, +91-8556973127 Email:


Dr Sandeep Singh

Name/Business: Dr Sandeep Singh Address/Location: Dhangu Road, Pathankot, Pathankot – 145001, Opposite Power House Description: General Surgeon Doctors Phone/Mobile: +91-9915373344


DR Ashish Gupta

Name/Business: DR Ashish Gupta Address/Location: H No-81, Pathankot, Pathankot – 145001, Opp Dr Yash Gupta, Patel Chowk Description: Dr. Ashish


Dr. R D Sharma

Name/Business: Dr. R D Sharma Address/Location: Near Peer Baba Pathankot Description: N/A Phone/Mobile: +91-9888847607, 0186-2231305 Email: N/A Website: N/A Facebook:


Sudhir Gupta

Name/Business: Sudhir Gupta Address/Location: Indira Colony Pathankot Description: N/A Phone/Mobile: +91-9878777811 Email: N/A Website: N/A Facebook: N/A Twitter: N/A Google


Subash Soni

Name/Business: Subash Soni Address/Location: Abrol Nagar Pathankot Description: N/A Phone/Mobile: +91-9888318176 Email: N/A Website: N/A Facebook: N/A Twitter: N/A Google


Rajan Sood

Name/Business: Rajan Sood Address/Location: Model town Pathankot Description: N/A Phone/Mobile: +91-9463152454 Email: N/A Website: N/A Facebook: N/A Twitter: N/A Google


Navin Arora

Name/Business: Navin Arora Address/Location: Mission Road Pathankot Description: N/A Phone/Mobile: +91-9780377683 Email: N/A Website: N/A Facebook: N/A Twitter: N/A Google


Anil Gupta

Name/Business: Anil Gupta Address/Location: Mamun Road Pathankot Description: N/A Phone/Mobile: 0186-2247171 Email: N/A Website: N/A Facebook: N/A Twitter: N/A Google

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