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Address: DHANGU ROAD, Near pushap theatre, Pathankot, Punjab 145001
Phone: +91-1865080368
Contact Person: n/a (Edit Listing)
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Products Services: Pet Shops For Dogs, Birds,Pet Accessory,sale Of Dogs, Dogs Training & Feeding.
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Dog traning ki kya fee hai
Bhardwaj Pet Shop is run by people who truly care about animals.
want a price of a puppy of pug ,German shepherd and american pit-bull.
this shop is very nice!!!! good collation of dog and pet accessory.customer dealing service is good.
i want a price of a puppy of pug ,German shepherd and american pit-bull.
I will buy a puppy
hi ,we have five month gaddi dog and we want to give guard dog training please conform the same
maine sir apse thodhi advice leni hai ki dog ki diet k bare mein. kaisi honi chahiye.
How many breeds in your pethouse nd there prize inquariy
I want a tortoise plz tell me the rate of tortoise
Pitbull dog full trainind
Sir please told me fees of pet’s training
Hi..Pug Dog Breed Price ??????/
how many price in pitbull puppies size xxl
Mere pass Jermanshfred & Roatwhiler females hea kya aap puppies lea lete ho??
lea na hai. please send photo and price.
My mobile no. is 7488615632
sir i want pug at pathankot
Kindly contact me. I AM INTERESTED IN BUYING
Please tell me the rate of German Shepard heavy Bone
Types of breed n dr price plz