The fire at ‘Make in India’ event, held in Mumbai, left onlookers and the authorities shocked. Thankfully, due to some painstaking efforts from the firefighters and volunteers, the fire was brought under control and there were no casualties as the participants and audience was evacuated in time.
At around 8:22 pm on February 14, a fire broke out from beneath the stage when Marathi film actress, Pooja Sawant, was performing a lavani number with a group on the stage. The actress and the group of dancers were taken backstage and evacuated from the venue immediately.
Bollywood megastar, Amitabh Bachchan, too, had a narrow escape as he was present on the stage just a few minutes prior to the unfortunate incident. However, he could have been in trouble had he followed the schedule. Big B took to Twitter and said, “Production was wanting me to stay & go back on to meet the CM .. had I gone back would have been caught in fire .. providential.”
Aamir Khan, who was also present at the event, was evacuated in time. He applauded the firefighters and authorities for managing the situation. “The fire at Chowpatty was most unfortunate but the crisis was very well handled by the Mumbai Police, Fire Dept & the Maharashtra Govt. The CM stayed till the end to oversee the evacuation. Excellent disaster management.” Actors Vivek Oberoi and Shreyas Talpade were lined up to perform at the event that was cut short due to the raging flames.
The Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Devendra Fadnavis, who personally kept a watch on the goings-on till the fire was brought under control, has ordered for an inquiry into the unfortunate incident.