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Address: City Centre Mall, Near Vishal Mega Mart, Pathankot, Punjab 145001
Phone Number: +91-1865080355
Contact Person: n/a (Edit Listing)
Email ID: n/a (Edit Listing)
Website: www.tanishq.co.in
About Tanishq
Tanishq started in 1994 and challenged the established family jeweller system prevalent in India. They have set up production and sourcing bases with thorough research of the jewellery crafts of India. Their factory located at Hosur, Tamil Nadu (India) spreads over 135,000 sq ft (12,500 m2). It was launched as a range of jewellery and jewellery watches meant for the European & American markets, but later on shifted focus on Indian markets to tap the domestic opportunity too.


In India, This brand has country wide presence. In November 2012, It reached a landmark when it opened its 150th showroom in India is one of the major Tata brands with a strong appeal for women. Brand has recently been promoted inside popular Hindi movies also, like in Race 2. It runs a popular scheme called Golden Harvest for sales promotion and to help buyers plan for large purchases like during weddings.

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17 thoughts on “Tanishq”

  1. I just now visited Pathankot showroom. All persons were busy in attending customers. I own my own sat on one corner and told them to attend me when they are free from present customers. i waited for almost for 10-15 minutes but nobody became free as no customers have left which have came before me. But to my utmost surprise that two ladies which came 15 minutes after me, staff immediately came to attend them leaving me, my wife and my daughter at one corner. I had came to purchase jewellery for my daughter who is going to get married in January 2017. I am annutara member from Jalandhar showroom. Nobody except one person cared when we left showroom. It is just disgusting.

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