Even though India has a popular culture of ‘godna’ art (a popular form of art among tribals, you can all it primitive tattooing), yet a lot of people see ‘tattoo’ as a sign of being rebellious, strong-headed, hippie or a wanderer. But the trend is changing! It is not only on the ‘to-do’ list of musicians and travelers but also for people in professions like doctors, engineers and bankers. An increasing number of people are now getting inked for the sake of their beliefs and less for flaunting!
We caught up with Mumbai’s celebrity tattoo artists Micky and Vikas Malani from Body Canvas Tattoos to know about the 3Ws of getting a tattoo, the latest trends and tattoo removal. Micky and Vikas Malani from Body Canvas Tattoos to know about the 3Ws of getting a tattoo, the latest trends and tattoo removal.
So, if you are still a tattoo virgin, drop your inhibitions and head to a tattoo studio as we settle all your queries! Read on
What kind of clients do you get?
Initially, most of our visitors were either bikers or hippies but the trend has changed but today on a daily basis, we get queries from eight to 10 non-biker and non-hippes; many come for tattoo consultation too. Our visitors comprise also of the top white collar jobs like bankers, lawyers, CA, doctors, and IT experts. The average age group is between 20 to 35 years.
There are so many things one can do to address the need to express apart from getting a tattoo; how can a tattoo make you stand apart?
You’re a walking canvas with a piece of art and this makes you stand apart from tattoo virgins. It is a permanent mark on your skin for life, which you will be taking to your grave.
What are the other reasons people get inked for?
Lots of people get inked for group tattoos showcasing the significance or dominance of a particular group, gang, cult, team, family, emotion, souvenirs, rewards, fanatic fans, recognition, fantasy, memory, art and fashion.
Which are the popular tattoos?
Every tattoo is unique as it’s all about your personality, class, lifestyle, belief system. You will be living with that tattoo and thus, you need to wear it with pride and honor.
Earlier, there was a huge demand of tattoos like dragons and butterflies. To break the monotony, artists are now focusing on more personalized tattoos. These tattoos are completely based on hobbies, passion or inspiration from the art happening around the world. In the past two to three years, people have started to get portrait tattoos of family members, pets, their idols, inspirations, comic heroes, favorite actors, musicians and sport icons.
The popular ones are symbolic, religious, realism, typographic, line work and dot work.
What are the things one should keep in mind while selecting a tattoo?
Few pointers every individual should follow before getting the tattoo are:
a. Choose an expert tattoo artist. Check his or her reviews and art work. b. Take a proper consultation with the tattoo artist. c. Check hygiene of the tattoo artist as well as the studio. d. Give yourself enough time before getting inked. e. Follow the aftercare properly as instructed by the tattoo artist.
Always follow the 3W formula: What you get inked Who you get it from Where you get it done from
What is the latest trend?
Tattooing has been a trend that evolves with the creativity of the artist and how this form of art is progressing.
There is nothing called the latest trend; it is all about what the customer desires and believes in. To some, it could be the name of a family member, a full sleeve or a back piece related to his fantasies (fiction) or the story of his life.
Any after-care advice (for permanent as well as temporary tattoos)?
After-care plays a very crucial role and if followed properly, can give you best results.
a. Wash your tattoo gently with soap lather or mild hand wash. b. Pat and dry only by tissue towel. c. Apply a super thin layer of a thick cream. d. Repeat the process three to four times a day. e. Avoid gymming for one week and swimming for two weeks. f. Try not to expose your tattoo to direct sunlight for two weeks.
There is no aftercare of a temporary tattoo; it fades off in a couple of days. Just don’t scrub it too hard with towel after washing.
Which is the most innovative and ‘creatively satisfying’ tattoo you have done so far?
One of the most innovative and creative tattoos I made was of a half sleeve of Indian Monuments, which was a tribute to our Indian history (Mughals and British). However, you’re only good as the last tattoo you do; for us every tattoo holds the same importance.
One advice for people who are looking forward to getting a tattoo removed.
People need to visit an expert dermatologist in the field of ‘tattoo removal’ and not just a general dermatologist.
As a tattoo counsellor, what would you like to tell the ‘non-believers’ of tattoo?
It’s one life…. start expressing yourself (you only live once). Get inked!