Yoga is the perfect harmony of mind and the body. It is of high importance in the perfect working of the body. Yoga, originated in India and now being welcomed by the countries across the world is gaining great appreciation. It is way of living which is in the roots of Indian culture from years. It can also stimulate weight loss in the best way through balanced approach. Here are few of the powerful poses that can promote fat burning.
Upward Plank
This is good pose for the reduction of mass; one can go for this to have a lean body. First step is to stand straight with feet parallel and close to each other. Take your hands back stretching legs and see down forming a back curve. Hold the pose for as much time as you can. This will accelerate the burning of fat in your body.
This is a triangle pose, best to do for fitting into old tight clothes. It can also help in limiting the health issues providing you a good lifestyle. Top do this asana one needs to stand with hands stretched over head. Now separate your legs few distant apart and stretch one side by lifting your hand of the same side forward and touching the feet of other side with other hand. Repeat this pose with alternative sides.
Surya Namaskar
Sun salutation or surya namaskar includes twelve poses of inhaling and exhaling. This is great pose for the proper functioning of various hormones. Stand straight with legs close and parallel to each. Now take your hands over head stretching back your body and inhale. Next step is to touch the feet without bending your legs and exhale. Take your legs back side by side coming to a plank pose and hold for few seconds. Drop your knees down touching chin to floor, making a ‘W’ shape with legs and chin as outward arms. Move to cobra pose and inhale. Put your head down to form downward V shape and come to the second pose feet touching with exhaling. Now again turn your head back and stretch your body backward with hands over head and exhale. Perform this for as much time as you can.
Forward Bend Pose
This pose forces the contraction of stomach helping you come into perfect shape. This is a seating pose that starts with straightening of legs with firmly lined backbone. Take your upper body down and try to touch the feet. Hold this position for some time and relax.
Known as cobra pose, Bhujangasana is highly beneficial in the reduction of fat. This pose is a stretching pose that needs you to lie down facing downward on the mat straight. Now take your head up stretching your upper body backward with hands placed on the map. Hold this position for few seconds and take full breath. Now relax and repeat.
These are the poses that enable you to get desired shape with good efficiency. These are highly accepted methods since years. Try them in the ongoing pandemic period and maintain healthy weight while sitting at home.