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Address: Dalhousie Road, Opp. Dr. Lal Path Lab, Pathankot
Phone Number: 9988645458
Contact Person: Sarabjit Singh
Email ID: sarab.g@rediffmail.com
Website: n/a Create New Website
Products Services:
A Soya vegetarian Food Franchise in the name of Wah Ji Wah . This refers to food that meets vegetarian standards by not including meat.
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dhabas, food corner, restaurants, vegan food, simple food, best vegetarian restaurants, veg restaurants ,best vegetarian food ,vegetarian fast food places, vegetarian meals, veg food corner, Indian food corner ,vegan restaurants
Realy very yumi food and great service…
Very tasty “Cholay Pathoray” This Shop
This is Best Veg Food Corner..Yummy Food 🙂